Brazil: Wines from São Francisco Valley receive geographical seal

Brazilian wines produced in the São Francisco Valley will have a certificate of origin. Sparkling and regular wines will receive a Geographical Indication (GI), a seal that guarantees the quality of the region's products.
The registration of the indication was published in the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) magazine, on Tuesday (Nov. 1). The geographical origin comprises the production of the municipalities of Lagoa Grande (Pernambuco), Petrolina (Pernambuco), Santa Maria da Boa Vista (Pernambuco), Casa Nova (Bahia), and Curaçá (Bahia).
Although located in the caatinga biome, these agricultural areas are irrigated, and the vineyards are directly connected to the São Francisco River.
According to experts, the tropical climate of the semi-arid region, the characteristics of the region, and the latitude of the cities allow the harvest of grapes throughout the year and the production of sparkling and regular wines with original flavors.
The head of Geographical Indication Projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply Wellington Gomes explains that the certificate of origin values the region's products.
"The official recognition of the São Francisco Valley indication of origin for wines is the result of the cooperation among producers, universities, and public research institutions. This joint work is essential to promote typical products of a country, as well as the rural and regional development of value chains," he said.
Besides the São Francisco Valley, other Brazilian regions also have an indication of origin, such as Vinhedos Valley and Campanha Gaúcha, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
On the Ministry of Agriculture´s website, it is possible to check the national and international indications registered in Brazil.