Violence against women is the focus of the White Ribbon campaign

The National Day of Mobilization of Men for the End of Violence against Women - which became better known as White Ribbon Day was remembered by the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Cristiane Britto, in an interview to the program A Voz do Brasil on Wednesday (7)
The campaign was created in Canada on December 7th, 1989, when Canadians decided to talk about violence against women, after an episode in which students were murdered by a man who couldn't stand to hear about women studying engineering. In this campaign, says the minister, "we mobilize men to talk at home, at work, in any environment where they are, about the importance of everyone fighting violence against women.
In Brazil, the campaign aims to make men aware of the denouncement channels, especially the Ligue 180, which received about 65,000 complaints in the first semester of 2022.
According to the minister, 80% of the denunciations refer to psychological violence. "First she enters the cycle of violence with verbal aggressions. Then she is a victim of psychological aggression that can last for years and she doesn't even realize that she is being a victim of violence", she said.