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Brazil: one in three young people unaware of biomes in which they live

A survey reveals the understanding of young people about the subject
Leandro Martins - Repórter da Rádio Nacional
Published on 16/04/2023 - 08:13
São Paulo
Desmatamento na fronteira entre o Cerrado e a Amazônia no Mato Grosso
© REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli/Direitos Reservados

According to a recent survey called "Youth, Environment, and Climate Change," released this week in São Paulo, one in three young Brazilians does not know which biome they inhabit. The survey reveals the behavior and understanding of young people in Brazil regarding this subject.

The survey conducted interviews with 5,150 individuals between the ages of 15 and 29, representing all six Brazilian biomes: the Amazon, the Caatinga, the Cerrado, the Atlantic Forest, the Pampa, and the Pantanal.

According to the survey results, young people living in the Amazon region expressed the least concern for environmental issues compared to their counterparts in other biomes.

Mathaus Torres, the executive secretary of Aliança Em Movimento, which carried out the survey, said that the youth's understanding of the environment appears disconnected from the Brazilian reality.

“When we inquire young people about their views on global warming, their initial response is often about melting glaciers. While this is certainly a concern, it is essential to address other significant issues such as deforestation, recurring floods, and prolonged droughts that frequently affect regions such as recently here in São Paulo,” he said.

The survey also points out that eight out of ten young people agree that environmental reserves help reduce the effects of climate change. In addition, more than 60 percent advocate investing in alternative, clean and renewable energy sources. 

The study was conducted with the collaboration of the following organizations: Rede Conhecimento Social, Engajamundo, Instituto Ayíka, and GT de Juventudes de Uma Concertação pela Amazônia.