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Brazilian bishops call for change of attitude towards environment

Pope Francis praised the efforts of their national conference
Paula Laboissière
Published on 05/03/2025 - 14:48
Brasília (DF) 05/03/2025 - Ecologia Integral é tema da Campanha da Fraternidade 2025.
© Arte CNBB

The National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) is launching the 2025 Fraternity Campaign on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 5), with the theme Fraternity and Integrated Ecology.

In a statement, the conference said the campaign was inspired by the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ 10 years ago, in 2025, the 800th anniversary of the composition of the Canticle of the Sun by St. Francis of Assisi, and the 30th Conference of the Parties (COP30) on climate change, to be held in November in Brazil.

“In the spirit of Lent and in times of urgent socio-environmental crisis, the campaign’s general objective is to bring about a full conversion as we listen to the cries of the poor and the Earth,” a statement issued by the conference reads.

A message from the pope

The conference also published a message sent by Pope Francis to the 2025 Fraternity Campaign. In it, he praises what he calls the “effort to propose the theme of ecology, along with the desired personal conversion to Christ.”

The pontiff draws attention to the “urgency of a change of attitude” in people’s relations with the environment and describes the current ecological crisis as a call to a profound interior conversion.

“May we all, with the special help of God’s grace in this Jubilee season, change our convictions and practices in order so that nature can take respite from our greedy exploitation,” he concluded.

Annual campaign

Celebrated all across Brazil since 1964, the Fraternity Campaign, CNBB reported, is a way for the Catholic Church in Brazil to celebrate the Lenten period, in preparation for Easter, with attitudes of prayer, fasting, and charity.

“The highlight of the campaign is the collection of a solidarity offering, which takes place in every community in Brazil on Palm Sunday—this year on April 12 and 13. The proceeds go to social projects throughout the country.”