No easy solution to Palestine conflicts, says Israel-based Brazil journalist

Guila Flint, Brazilian journalist who lives in Tel Aviv and has worked in the coverage of the Middle East for 20 years,
The number of dead Palestinians after the latest conflict in the Gaza Strip has surpassed 600, and, in spite of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s appeal for peace in the region, the solution does not seem to be simple, or near. In the view of Guila Flint, a Brazilian journalist who lives in Tel Aviv and has worked in the coverage of the Middle East for 20 years, the scenario tends to aggravate before peace is restored by Palestinians and Israelis.
“I think the matter is yet to worsen considerably before a solution is found. The current chapter may end soon—in the next few days—but that does not make it impossible that, in a year or six months from now, a new outbreak takes place, a new, bloody chapter,” she told Agência Brasil. She believes Israel’s First Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s latest statements contribute to the hostilities. “It’s a conflict of very difficult solution because clearly the Israeli government is not willing to give up the territories occupied. [This] totally contradicts the alleged two-State view that Benjamin Netanyahu said he held.”
However, she argues, there are elements that could force both sides to cease fire. She mentioned the isolation of Hamas, the Islamic group controlling the Gaza Strip. “Hamas is no longer supported by Egypt, with which they enjoyed friendly relations during the administration of Mohamed Morsi, overthrown in 2013. Furthermore, the pressure from the international community for the ceasefire, and the considerable firepower discrepancy between Israelis and Palestinians, who are at a great disadvantage in this respect, should contribute to the end of the current conflicts.”
Flint further noted, however, that there is little hope to be found among young people, and not just Palestinians: “Thousands and thousands of Israeli youths are leaving the country. We see today the best of Israel’s youth, the most cultivated youths, the most successful, the best professionals—all leaving the country for Berlin, London, and New York. They no longer believe in their own country.”
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: No easy solution to Palestine conflicts, says Israel-based Brazil journalist