Venezuela to expand energy supply for Roraima
Venezuela is not only retaining, but will expand its supply of electric energy directed at the northern Brazilian state of Roraima. The statement was made by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during a meeting with Roraima Governor Suely Campos. The gathering took place Thursday (Sep. 20) at the Miraflores Palace, in Caracas, where Maduro also expressed his intention of implementing a plan to repatriate Venezuelans planning to return to the country.
According to Campos’s advisers, Maduro pledged to order “the immediate maintenance of Linhão de Guri [the transmission line connecting the hydroelectric plant in Venezuela to Roraima].” The statement came amid news that Venezuela threatened to interrupt the energy supply sent to Roraima.
“President [Maduro] guaranteed he would immediately start the maintenance of the electric network to improve energy quality for us, and that he would extend the contract until we have the Linhão de Tucuruí built. So if we actually increase the amount of megawatts, we’d have the energy security we need to attract new investment, new entrepreneurs in the productive sector, so growth can continue,” she said in a note.
The situation facing Roraima has also been aggravated by the impact of the significant number of Venezuelans entering Brazil, especially as the demand for public services and security has skyrocketed. Eight hundred Venezuelans are reported to cross the border every day, in search of better living conditions in Brazil.
The Roraima government, Campos said, will provide transport for Venezuelans wishing to return to their country. The initiative will begin next week, and should assist 100 immigrants previously registered with the Venezuelan consulate as intending to move back to Venezuela.