Bolsonaro lands in US to bolster cooperation ties

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro wrote on his Twitter account that his visit to the US represents the beginning of a partnership for “freedom and prosperity.” Bolsonaro landed Sunday (Mar. 18) at the Andrews Air Force Base, in Washington.
“For the first time in a long time, a Brazilian president who is not anti-US arrives in Washington. It is the beginning of a partnership for freedom and prosperity, just as Brazilians have always wished,” he posted.
The presidential aircraft took off from the Brasília Air Base around 8 am yesterday morning (17). Before getting on board, Bolsonaro transmitted his post to vice-President Hamilton Mourão. The Brazilian president is staying at the Blair House, part of the White House complex.
“We will be staying at the Blair House. It’s an honor granted to very few heads of state, and it doesn’t cost a penny from public coffers. We thank the American people for all the respect and the affection given to us,” he added.
“Together,” Brazil and the US, Bolsonaro goes on to state, “scare the advocates of backwardness and tyranny across the world.”
Meeting with Trump
Bolsonaro and US President Donald Trump will sign the Agreement on Technological Safeguards between Brazil and the US. The move allows the commercial use of the Alcântara air-space launch base, in Maranhão state. All across the world, an average of 42 commercial launches are estimated to take place every year.
The Alcântara Base is internationally known as a strategic spot for rocket launches, as it is located at a privileged latitude in the equatorial zone, which makes it possible to use Earth’s full rotation to propel rockets.
According to the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), using the Brazilian base may lead to a reduction of 30 percent of fuel use compared to higher latitudes.
The Brazilian entourage is formed by Minister Ernesto Araújo (Foreign Relations), Paulo Guedes (Economy), Sergio Moro (Justice and Public Security), Augusto Heleno (Institutional Security Office), Tereza Cristina (Agriculture) e Ricardo Salles (Environment), in addition to Congress member Eduardo Bolsonaro.