Brazil sends research ship to help search for Chilean plane

The Brazilian Navy sent research ship Almirante Maximiano to help search for the airplane of the Chilean Air Forces that was bound for Antarctica and disappeared on Monday afternoon (Dec. 9).
The military aircraft C-130, with 38 people on board, took off in Punta Arenas, southern Chile, heading for a base in Antarctica. The Chilean navy started search and rescue operations, and dispatched planes and ships to the region.
President Jair Bolsonaro contacted Chilean President Sebastián Piñera to offer planes of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) to help in the operations. According to the Ministry of Defense, the aircraft mobilized are SC-105 and P3, equipped with infrared sensors and comprehensive detection features.
“We’re aware of the difficulties. In that region, when an accident takes place, whoever falls into the water dies in a few minutes. We just hope that this was not the case. This comes as a shock to all of us—these 38, most of whom military agents, who disappeared on their way to Antarctica,” Bolsonaro said while leaving the Alvorada presidential palace yesterday morning.