Brazil to take first steps to become full member of OECD

Brazil is committed to the values and principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and has worked to initiate the process to become a full member of the group, which brings together the most industrialized economies on the planet. The statement was made by Brazil’s Foreign Minister Carlos França.
To meet this goal, the Brazilian delegation at the OECD Ministerial Meeting took the opportunity to underscore the importance of the organization in global economic governance and Brazil’s role in the process of expanding the OECD.
The Wednesday (Oct. 6) meeting celebrated 60 years since the organization was founded and had as its theme "Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive Future." Among the members of the Brazilian delegation were Chief of Staff Ciro Nogueira, Citizenship Minister João Roma, and Economy Ministry Executive Secretary Marcelo Guaranys.
Brazil was present as a key partner and a candidate to OECD membership. The Brazilian representatives are said to have held meetings and interventions in a number of sessions at the event, especially those dedicated to taxing, international trade, development financing, sustainability, and social inclusion.
Chaired by US State Secretary Antony Blinken, the gathering renewed the organization’s commitment as an effective means of cooperation between market democracies in the search for answers to economic, social, and environmental challenges in the international community.