Foreigners given more time to regularize status in Brazil

Brazil’s Federal Police have once again extended the deadline for foreigners to regularize residence permits or temporary visas for entry into Brazil expiring after March 16, 2020. The new limit date is September 15 this year. The extension was published today by Sandro Avelar, executive director with the police.
This is the third time the Federal Police have granted more time for the conclusion of residence authorization or temporary visa since November 2020, when updating migration papers was resumed. The process had been halted back in March 2020 due to service limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Immigrant regularizing their documentation by September 15 should not face any penalty for late registration or overstaying during this period. Thus, service protocols as well as requests for refugee status, National Migratory Registration Cards (CRNM), and provisional documents due after March 16, 2020, must be recognized and accepted before the new deadline.
Under the country’s Migration Law, residence permits and temporary visas must be requested by those coming to Brazil planning on establishing residence, even if for a limited time, under one of the several conditions listed—like research and humanitarian shelter.