Brazil expresses solidarity toward Europe for extreme heat

Brazil´s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) has released a note in which the government expresses solidarity toward victims of forest fires and the heat wave that has hit several European countries in recent weeks. “Brazil reaffirms its commitment to the goals assumed by the country in the context of COP 26, on climate change,” says the document.
Concerning the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) held last year in Glasgow, Scotland, the ministry mentioned that, on the occasion, Brazil reinforced its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
At the meeting, the Brazilian government also signed the Global Commitment on Methane, which aims to reduce global emissions of these gases by at least 30 percent by 2030.
Among the examples of the Brazilian contribution to the climate are the launch of the Zero Methane Program, the creation of a regulated carbon market, and the generation of green hydrogen to supply foreign markets.