Germany to resume investments in Amazon Fund

During a trip to Brazil, Germany’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke about his country's intention to resume investments in the Amazon Fund, which finances projects to reduce deforestation and control the biome.
Steinmeier visited the state of Amazonas on Monday (Jan. 2), one day after attending the inauguration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In a meeting with Governor Wilson Lima he said German investments in the Amazon may reach 35 million Euros.
Created in 2008, the Amazon Fund receives donations from international institutions and governments to finance actions to prevent and combat deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In 2019, Germany and Norway suspended transfers to new projects after the Brazilian government suggested changes in the application of resources and extinguished the fund's management collegiate. By recent determination of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the fund was reactivated.
Atto Tower
Steinmeier went to the state of Amazonas to visit projects and actions financed by the German government. He visited Atto Tower which monitors the region's climate, in São Sebastião do Uatumã, that is part of a project coordinated by researchers from Brazil and Germany.