Cármen Lúcia elected permanent minister of Superior Electoral Court

Minister of the Supreme Court (STF) Cármen Lúcia on Wednesday (Aug. 24) was elected effective minister of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the body responsible for organizing elections in Brazil.
The voting process was carried out in a symbolic way by the plenary of the court. Last week, Minister Edson Fachin, who was the head of the Electoral Court, left his post, opening a vacancy for an effective member. Cármen Lúcia already held the office of substitute minister.
The effective seats of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in the electoral court are also occupied by its president Alexandre de Moraes and vice-president Ricardo Lewandowski.
The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) consists of seven ministers - three of them from the Federal Supreme Court (STF), two from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), and two members of the Federal Attorney General's Office, who are appointed by Brazil´s president.