Rousseff leaves polling booth waving proof of voting

“It's not up to me to prefer [an opponent over the other]. It's up to the voters", said Rousseff
President Dilma Rousseff, who is running for re-election under the Workers' Party (PT), voted in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, on Sunday morning (Oct. 5). As she left the polling booth, she waved her proof of voting.
Talking to reporters earlier today, Rousseff ruled out the possibility of winning in the first voting round, adding that she has maintained this stance from the start. Asked about whom she would prefer to contend with in the run-offs, she declined to answer, saying it would be disrespectful.

The latest poll shows Rousseff ahead with 46%
“Everything I've done since the beginning of the campaign is based on an expectation for two rounds of vote. All the rest, what will happen and how, is up to the ballot,” she said. “It's not up to me to prefer [an opponent over the other]. It's up to the voters. I'm no decision-maker in this matter. I'm not the one to choose one candidate or another,” she remarked.
The latest poll on voting intentions published by IBOPE on Saturday (Sat. 4) shows Rousseff is ahead with 46% of the vote. Aécio Neves, running under PSDB, ranks second with 27%, followed by Marina Silva (PSB), with 24%. In the previous poll, Rousseff had had 39%, Silva, 25%, and Neves, 19% of respondent support.
Rousseff will monitor the counting from Brasília.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Rousseff leaves polling booth waving proof of voting