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Camp against government has 48 hours to leave Congress area

Protesters advocating the ouster of President Rousseff are camped
Agência Brasil
Published on 20/11/2015 - 17:28
Brasília - Apesar do confronte de ontem com  integrantes da Marcha das Mulheres Negras, manifestantes continuam acampados no gramado do Congresso Nacional(Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil)
© Marcello Casal jr/Agência Brasil
Brasília - Acampamento no gramado do Congresso. O presidente do Senado, Renan Calheiros, defende a saída dos acampados, após confronto com integrantes da Marcha das Mulheres Negras (Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil)

Brasília - Protesters advocating the government ousting are camped outside the National Congress building and the Ministries EsplanadeMarcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil

Protesters advocating the government ousting are camped outside the National Congress building and the Ministries Esplanade, and have 48 hours to leave the place. The decision was made Thursday (Nov. 19) at a meeting among Distrito Federal Governor Rodrigo Rollemberg and the presidents of both congressional houses, Renan Calheiros and Eduardo Cunha.


"Until now we accepted [the tents] respecting freedom of speech. But due to [recent] conflicts [occurring at the place] among groups that represent different views and it can lead to unpredictable consequences, we believe that the camps’ settlement is inadequate,” stated Rollemberg.


On Wednesday (Nov. 18) afternoon, confusion arouse in the camp during the National Black Women’s March. According to reports, some women tried to knock down an inflatable doll, and two police officers supporting the camping protest fired shots to the air and were then arrested by the military police.


"We faced very bad situations [there], and the governor told us about the impossibility to provide them security the way things were going. We will ask the groups that settled there to leave the place within 48 hours. We are not trying to ban protests or any ideology, but we cannot ensure their safety anymore," said Eduardo Cunha.


The camping settlement outside the Congress building has been there since the end of October; there are about 100 tents, support tents, and chemical toilets. The groups behind the initiative are movements such as Movimento Brasil Livre, Vem pra Rua, and Revoltados Online, who also advocate ousting President Dilma.


For the governor, the groups will not offer resistance to the eviction. "If they do not leave peacefully, we will use the necessary force. Thanks to the military police’s efforts, major conflicts have not arisen yet. But we realize that risks are increasing and so the need to remove the camp settlements using the necessary force, within the law and Constitution. Within 48 hours they have to leave the place", he announced.


Data from Agência Câmara were added to this story


Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Camp against government has 48 hours to leave Congress area