Brazil accepts charges against former Italian activist Cesare Battisti

A federal court accepted the charges filed by federal prosecutors against former Italian activist Cesare Battisti, accused of violating the national financial system by attempting to leave Brazil and go to Bolivia early in October, with some US$6 thousand and €1,300 undeclared.
The ruling charges Battisti with illegal transfer of funds abroad, as he was “carrying an amount surpassing legal limits with no permission from the appropriate agency.” Anyone crossing Brazil's national borders with over $3 thousand in national or foreign currency must declare the value to Brazil's Revenue Service.
Battisti also awaits a decision by the Supreme Court on a writ of habes corpus lodged in August in a bid to prevent the Brazilian government from extraditing him. He was sentenced to life in jail while a member of the Armed Proletarians for Communism late in the 1970's.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil accepts charges against former Italian activist Cesare Battisti