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More parties name presidential hopefuls in Brazil

All candidates are to be nominated by August 5
Luiza Damé
Published on 23/07/2018 - 15:06
Urna eletrônica
© Fábio Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

In the first weekend of national conventions, three other political parties confirmed their presidential hopefuls: Guilherme Boulos, of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL); Jair Bolsonaro, of the Social Liberal Party (PSL); and Vera Lúcia, of the Unified Socialist Party (PSTU).

O  PSOL confirmou a candidatura de Guilherme Boulos à Presidência da República, na convenção nacional que reuniu filiados do partido
PSOL’s ticket was made up of allies only: Sônia Guajajara was named Boulos’s running mate - Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Under the law, parties are to conduct their conventions by August 5. Candidacies may be registered with the Electoral Court by August 15.

PSOL’s ticket was made up of allies only: Sônia Guajajara was named Boulos’s running mate. The party will compete in partnership with the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), which held its convention last Friday and backed the alliance.

PSL lança candidatura de Jair Bolsonaro  à presidência da República.
The PSL has not unveiled a name to run for vice-president, but lawyer Janaina Paschoal is being considered. - Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

The PSTU chose not to form a coalition. Vera Lúcia’s running mate will be Hertz Dias. The PSL has not unveiled a name to run for vice-president, but lawyer Janaina Paschoal, who stood up for former President Rousseff’s impeachment in Congress, is being considered.

The National Mobilization Party (PMN) and Avante have also held their national conventions, and decided not to name any presidential candidate. Avante did not say whether it will support any candidate. The PMN  decided not to back anyone.