Temer says his gov´t pulled Brazil out of crisis
Less than three months before the end of his term of office, Brazilian President Michel Temer said the country emerged from recession thanks to measures adopted by him and his staff. During a ceremony at the Planalto Palace, head of the country´s government, Temer talked about the economic crisis in which the nation had drowned before he took office and mentioned the measures he adopted.
“The irresponsibility of the present will always take its toll in the future, plus interest. Since I took office, we have been promoting fiscal adjustment which allowed us to knock down inflation and taxes, which we did. We’ve brought about the conditions to make such reductions, and it’s paying off. We’ve defeated recession and restored growth,” the president argued.
Temer spoke at the ceremony of the National Order of Scientific Merit to an audience of 85 professors, researchers, scientists, and organization leaders. “The place our country occupies today and will occupy in the future depends on our ability to lead the way in scientific research.”
The order is the most important decoration in the Brazilian public field for sciences and technology.
“We have one of the main solutions to Brazil’s problems in investment for research, science, innovation, and human resources in our universities for the creation of good teams. Today we saw tributes being paid to illustrious Brazilians who dedicated part of their lives to the development of good projects, good ideas,” said Gilberto Kassab, Brazil’s minister for science, technology, innovation, and communications.