Bolsonaro to speak at forum opening in Davos Tuesday

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, attended by President Jair Bolsonaro on his first trip overseas as president, the Brazilian head of state is expected to present a number of topics ranging from anti-corruption measures to the preservation of democracy in Brazil and Latin America.
Bolsonaro will deliver a speech at the forum’s opening ceremony on Tuesday (Jan. 22) and is likely to seize the opportunity to express concerns over the aggravation of the crisis in Venezuela, and to reveal his point of view on globalization, technology, and innovation.
Bolsonaro is to meet with the presidents of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, Ecuador’s Lenín Moreno, Colombia’s Iván Duque, and Costa Rica’s Carlos Alvarado Quesada. Issues like the crisis in Venezuela and Nicaragua—and the resulting migration—should be brought to debate.
The president took off in the early hours of Sunday (Jan. 20) and is slated to arrive today in Davos. His return to Brazil is expected to take place early on Friday morning (25).
Acting president
General Hamilton Mourão, now Brazil’s acting president, said today (21) he is honored to replace Jair Bolsonaro as the leader of the country.
“As the morning dawned today, I would like to express the honor it is to serve as president of Brazil. I wish President Jair Bolsonaro and his entourage an excellent and profitable trip in Davos. We are taking over from here,” Mourão wrote before 7:30 am.
Mourão is taking office as the country’s acting president for the first time.
On Mourão’s agenda as acting president are meetings with German Ambassador to Brazil Georg Witschel, and Thailand’s Susarak Suparat.