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Senate approves new rules for rapporteur amendments

Senator Marcelo Castro's opinion had already been approved by the
Cláudia Felczak - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 29/11/2021 - 22:33
Plenário do Senado Federal durante sessão deliberativa semipresencial.

Em sessão semipresencial, senadores analisam a MP 971/2020, que autoriza reajuste de salário para policiais civis e militares e bombeiros militares do Distrito Federal.
© Marcos Oliveira/Agência Senado

By difference of only two votes, the Federal Senate approved today (29), by 34 to 32, substituting Senator Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI) for the National Congressional Resolution Project (PRN) 4/21, which aims to give more transparency of the General Rapporteur on the Budget amendments – known as the secret budget.

The resolution is a response to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which, on the 10th, suspended the amendments made by the general rapporteur to the Union Budget . “We are making a specific modification, specifically to comply with a determination of the Federal Supreme Court”, he said. According to him, there are BRL 7 billion that have not yet been used and many city halls have works stopped due to the suspension. “Obviously, this is a loss for Brazilian society,” he said.

According to the rapporteur, the new rules may be applied in the 2022 Budget. “We need to pass this resolution so that the 2022 Budget is already made in the new rules. And what are these rules? The rule of absolute and total transparency of public resources as it should have always been”, he affirmed.

The Senate session began earlier this evening, after the House's deliberation . As it is a resolution of the National Congress, the text must be approved by both houses.

For the substitute, the rapporteur's amendments will have a ceiling in the approximate amount of R$ 16.2 billion and will be disclosed on the internet.

Even so, some senators criticized the substitute, including the stipulated ceiling. Senator Simone Tebet (MDB-MS) said that this is a said that it is irresponsible for the House and Senate tables.

According to her, this money could be used to pay the Auxílio Brasil, for example. “I cannot accept Congress turning its back on this reality and thinking only about amendments to meet its electoral corral,” he said.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.