Mendonça's inauguration at the STF will be on December 16th

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) defined today (2) that André Mendonça will take office on December 16, at 4 pm. The date was set after a meeting between the new minister and the president of the Court, Luiz Fux.
Appointed to the position by President Jair Bolsonaro, Mendonça had his name approved yesterday (1) by the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) of the Senate and by the House's plenary.
André Mendonça will occupy the seat left by Minister Marco Aurélio, who was sworn in in 1990, and was compulsorily retired on July 12 of this year on his 75th birthday.
It is Bolsonaro's second nomination. Last year, the president appointed minister Nunes Marques to the chair of Celso de Mello, who also retired.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.