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Ministry launches 5G project in public lighting

Technology must be installed in all capitals by July
André Richter – Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 16/12/2021 - 22:20
O ministro das Comunicações, Fábio Faria, falou hoje (14) em entrevista ao programa A Voz do Brasil sobre o cronograma de implantação da quinta geração de conectividade móvel, o 5G
© Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

The Minister of Communications, Fábio Faria, participated today (16) in the presentation of the pilot project for using the fifth generation of mobile connectivity, 5G, in public lighting. The event was held in Natal (RN).

The use of 5G in public lighting occurs through the installation of intelligent lighting fixtures, which transmit the signal through antennas installed on poles. Security cameras can also be installed on the equipment.

The technology will be tested in the cities of Ceará-Mirim (RN), Petrolina (PE), Araguaína (TO), Curitiba (PR) and Jaraguá do Sul (SC).

In the assessment of the president of the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), Igor Calvet, Brazilian municipalities can accelerate the diffusion of technology through public lighting.

"The luminaire can, in addition to lighting, bring better public safety for municipalities and also greater connectivity to people and, above all, to companies," he explained.

According to the minister, with the lighting fixtures, some municipalities in the country will be able to anticipate the expected timetable for the arrival of the technology in all locations in Brazil. According to Fabio Faria, 5G should be installed in all capitals by July of next year.

“We will have the opportunity to prepare our children, our young people for the world that is coming, for this new future that is coming,” he said.

According to the Ministry of Communications, with the auction held this year, 5G will reach all Brazilian municipalities by 2029. In the case of locations with little or no connection, the minimum fourth generation standard for mobile networks should be guaranteed.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.