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Senate approves the Fundeb law; text back to Chamber

Text postpones the definition of new indexes to 2024
Marcelo Brandão – Repórter da Agência Brasil*
Published on 15/12/2021 - 23:06
Plenário do Senado Federal durante sessão deliberativa extraordinária semipresencial destinada a votar a PEC 23/2021, chamada de PEC dos Precatórios. A proposta estabelece o novo regime de pagamentos de precatórios, modifica normas relativas ao
© Roque de Sá/Agência Senado

The Senate approved today (15) a bill (PL) that changes the rules of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb). As senators approved two amendments, the text returns to the Chamber of Deputies.

The text postpones to 2024 the definition of new indexes for apportioning the fund's resources in terms of the annual amount per student between stages, modalities, duration of the journey and types of educational establishment. In addition, it lists which professionals in the basic education network may benefit from these resources.

The project changes the list of professionals who will be able to receive up to 70% of Fundeb's resources as part of the teaching valorization policy. Instead of referring to professionals listed in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB), as stated in the permanent Fundeb law, the text specifies who will be entitled to the appeal, when in effective exercise in basic education teaching networks.

According to the list, teachers are entitled; professionals in technical, administrative or operational support functions; and professionals in the exercise of direct pedagogical support functions for teaching, school management or administration, planning, inspection, supervision, educational guidance, coordination and pedagogical advice.

The proposal also creates an exception to the prohibition that Fundeb resources cannot be transferred to accounts other than those created specifically to move the resources. This device was created to provide more legal certainty for the payment of salaries, salaries and benefits of any nature to these professionals.

Fundeb was originally created in 2007 and ran until 2020, when it was re-established through Constitutional Amendment 108/20, enacted in August, and by Law 14,113, which came into force in December of last year. It became a permanent fund and expanded the Union's participation in financing basic education, in addition to changing the way in which resources were distributed among federal entities.

System S

The bill's rapporteur in the Senate, Dário Berger (MDB-SC), accepted an amendment that ratified the exclusion of S System schools from the apportionment of Fundeb costs. He said that the matter has already been considered by the Senate, restricting Fundeb to the development of basic education in the country.

Sistema S is a set of entities, managed by employers' federations and confederations, dedicated to professional training, social assistance, consulting, research and technical assistance. They are: the Social Service for Industry (SESI); National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai); Social Service for Commerce (Sesc); National Service for the Apprenticeship of Commerce (Senac); Social Transport Service (Sest); National Transport Learning Service (Senat); National Rural Learning Service (SENAR); National Service for Learning Cooperatives (Sescoop); and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae).

* With information from the Senate Agency

Text translated using artificial intelligence.