TSE Introduces New Model of Electronic Ballot Box for 2022 Elections

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) presented today (13) the new model of electronic ballot box that will be used in the 2022 elections. The launch was made in Manaus, at the plant of Positivo Tecnologia, the company responsible for producing the equipment.
According to the tender carried out by the TSE, 225,000 urns of the new model will be manufactured. In total, 577,000 will be used in the elections. Delivery is scheduled for May next year. The useful life of the equipment is ten years.
Among the new features are longer battery life, faster processors and a desk terminal with touch-sensitive controls ( touch screen). According to the TSE, this technology will allow faster identification of the voter in the polling station. While a voter votes, the terminal will be able to identify the next ones who will vote, reducing the waiting time in lines.
During the event, the president of the TSE, minister Luís Roberto Barroso, reinforced that the electronic ballot box and the voting system are safe.
“We are working to protect the TSE's systems almost for the sake of image, because, in terms of content, there is no way to defraud the elections. We are all getting better at protection mechanisms. This has become a major problem in the last two, three years. In fact, cyber attacks of the scale we have seen are recent phenomena,” he said.
* With information from the TSE.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.