Electoral court praises high enrolment for 2022 elections

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) reported between January and April of this year Brazil gained 2,042,817 new voters between the ages of 16 and 18, an age group that can but is not required to vote. The number represents an increase of 47.2 percent compared to the same period in 2018, and 57.4 percent compared to the first four months of the year in 2014.
The court attributed the result to the youth enlistment campaign promoted this year, which had the support of famous digital influencers. Young Voters Week was held between March 14th and 18th, when 522,471 electoral identity cards were issued. April 5 was the last enrolment day before the 2022 elections.
In the last 31 days, 8,951,527 applications for an electoral identity card were registered, either in person at registry offices, through the Elo system, or virtually, according to the president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) minister Edson Fachin. "The Electoral Justice showed all the strength it has in this final stretch of the electoral register for the 2022 elections," the minister said.
"We have seen, as it had not been seen for a long time, a country united for the good and strengthening of democracy. Therefore, I thank everyone, influencer or not, famous or not, Brazilian or not, young or not, who have posted messages on social media to call everyone's attention to the regularization of the electoral identity card," Fachin added.
This year´s elections for president, governor, senator, and state and federal deputies is scheduled for October 2. A possible second round for the president and governors shall take place on October 30th.