Over 28 thousand run for office in Brazil elections

Brazil’s electoral authorities have received the requests for the registration of at least 28 thousand names vying for a post in the October general elections. The deadline for submissions ended at 7 pm Brasília time on Monday (Aug 15).
With the end of the deadline, 12 bids were registered for the post of president, along with those of vice-president (12), governor (223), vice-governor (223), senator (231), a senator’s first substitute (232), a senator’s second substitute (233), federal representative (10,258), state representative (16,161), and district representative (591).
After the hopefuls are approved at party conventions, the application is a formality aimed at verifying whether they face any legal restrictions on the race.
Candidates do not need to have their registration approved to start the electoral campaign, which kicks off today (16).
The first round will be held on October 2, when voters go to the polls to choose the president, governors, senators, and federal, state, and district representatives. An eventual second round, which applies only to the posts of president and governor, will take place on October 30.