Brazil General Accounting Office finds no irregularities in polls

Brazil General Accounting Office (TCU) has found no discrepancies in the 604 ballot bulletins provided by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which were analyzed during the audit of the second round of the Brazilian elections.
The bulletins are printed by clerks after the end of the voting process and posted on the door of each polling station. The document contains the number of votes per candidate, null and blank ballots, and data about the voting equipment.
The report with the consolidated information will be attached to the process that deals with the audit of the elections - started in 2021 – in cooperation with the Electoral Justice. The final result is expected in early 2023.
According to the General Accounting Office, its work in auditing the ballot boxes aims to ensure the reliability of public information passed on to society. The office is also part of the Election Transparency Commission, a group chaired by the Superior Electoral Court.
In July, before the elections, TCU had concluded that Brazil's electronic voting system is secure, and that there were no relevant risks for the elections.