Federal forces to intervene in Brasília after pro-coup riot

In a quick and symbolic vote Tuesday (Jan. 10), the Brazilian Senate allowed federal forces to intervene in the public security scheme of the country’s Federal District, where the seat of the government is located.
The decree was signed by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Sunday (8) and was approved by the lower house the day after.
Rapporteur in the case, Senator Davi Alcolumbre underscored the need for the measure, which he described as “exceptional and tough but necessary, given the extremely serious acts of vandalism in the Federal District on Sunday, which sadly was witnessed by everyone, marked as they were by complete disorder, yes, public disorder and insecurity for the entire population,” he declared.
The intervention should last until January 31, 2023, and aims to bring an end to “the storming of public buildings and the risks posed to them,” the senator went on to say.
The text, which is yet to be enacted by Congress, received eight dissenting votes from pro-Bolsonaro senators, including Flávio Bolsonaro, son of the former president.
The man in charge
Ricardo Capelli, executive-secretary of the Ministry of Justice, has been appointed to spearhead all activities linked directly or indirectly to the security scheme in the Federal District.