Kerry discusses environmental agenda and partnerships with Brazil

Brazil’s Head of Senate Rodrigo Pacheco (Social Democratic Party – PSD from Minas Gerais state) received on Tuesday (Feb. 28) United States Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry and American ambassador to Brazil Elizabeth Balgkey. Among the topics discussed at the meeting Pacheco highlighted climate change and energy transition.
According to the senator, Kerry was told there is an effective awareness in the Brazilian society and institutions that the fight against illegal deforestation of forests in the country must be a priority and that Brazil needs to focus on energy transition to value fuels and renewable energy.
On the part of the Executive, Pacheco mentioned the importance of focusing on actions against illegal deforestation of the Amazon and other forests and improving effectiveness in police inspection and control. Another point supported by the Senate head is that society pays for environmental services to encourage communities to preserve the environment.
Regarding the Legislative, Pacheco said it is its role to improve laws. According to him, Brazil has good laws on environmental matters, but they are "unfortunately" not complied with, such as the environmental crimes law.
Pacheco also endorsed that the Senate Economic Affairs Commission should deepen the issue of the carbon credit market and that the House should consider the approval of a bill on environmental licensing that defines which model of land regularization will be adopted in the country.