Lula plans to talk solutions to Ukraine conflict with pope in Europe

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Monday (Jun. 19) announced he will discuss solutions to the war between Russia and Ukraine with Pope Francis. Lula is expected to fly on Monday evening to Rome, where he should meet with the pontiff, Italian President Sergio Mattarella, and Mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri.
“[The pope] is really interested in ending the war in Ukraine and Russia, and I also want to talk to him about this peace issue,” he said during his weekly program Conversa com o presidente (“Conversation with the President”).
Inequality across the world will also be discussed with Pope Francis. According to Lula, a worldwide campaign should be devised to tackle the problem.
“I want to use my mandate to try and make the world know we cannot accept hunger and the lack of food on a planet that produces more food than we can eat,” he declared. “The problem is not lack of production, but distribution, a lack of money to buy food,” he added.
The president said he will invite the pontiff to participate in the Cirio de Nazaré, one of Brazil’s main religious festivals, held in Belém city every year.
International engagements
On Thursday (22), the president should attend the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, in Paris. Among the topics on the bilateral agenda is last week’s move by the French National Assembly against the ratification of the EU–Mercosur free-trade deal.
“I’m having lunch with [French President] Macron. I want to discuss the issue of the French parliament approving the toughening of the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. The European Union cannot try to threaten Mercosur with punishment if Mercosur does not comply with this or that. If we are strategic partners, there’s no need for threats,” he said.
Still in the French capital, Lula will deliver the closing speech at the Power Our Planet event, at the invitation of band Coldplay. The event will be held at the Champ de Mars.
“I’m going to participate in a public event in front of the Eiffel tower, invited by Coldplay to do a public appearance with various political leaders and artists. I’ll be the final speaker at this meeting on the environmental issue,” he stated.
Energy transition
Lula went on to say he intends to draw the world’s attention to the energy issue and point out that 87 percent of electric energy is renewable in Brazil.
“The world has 27 percent [of renewable electric energy]. Of our energy network involving fuel, half is clean and renewable. The rest of the world only has 15 percent. So, for God’s sake, instead of criticizing Brazil, accept the country as a role model. We’re going to do a lot more now,” he pledged.