Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is traveling this Friday (Sep. 15) to Havana, Cuba, where he will take part in the G77+China Summit this weekend. The group, created in 1964 with 77 member countries, has expanded to include 134 developing nations from the global south in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The bloc joined forces with China in the 1990s.
This year, under the presidency of Cuba, the gathering will have the theme “Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation.”
The secretary for Multilateral Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey, noted that Brazil was one of the founders of this group and commented on the countries’ current activities. “The group doesn’t participate as much in issues more directly linked to politics and security. Its most active role is in the United Nations’ economic and social issues. It’s a way for developing countries to expand their bargaining power.” Cozendey added that Brazil traditionally takes part in the group’s negotiations and has been very active recently.
Declaration in Cuba
At a press briefing in Brasília on Thursday (14) to discuss the presidential trip, the director of the Department of Science, Technology, and Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Minister Luciano Mazza de Andrade, outlined the terms of the declaration that must be approved by the participating heads of state. According to the director, the terms were negotiated, practically in their entirety, in New York and previously approved by the delegations earlier this week.
Mazza pointed out that the development and strengthening of South–South cooperation should form the basis of exchanges within the G77+China, among the various points to be included in the document.
“There are a number of concerns—including encouraging and immobilizing mechanisms, institutions, and programs—in improving South–South cooperation between developing countries, […] because they need to be strengthened.”
The director believes that Brazil has a particularly important role to play. “Considering that, Brazil is one of these countries that have relevant capacities and structure in their national science, technology, and innovation system, so it’s in a position to make its contribution.”
The declaration also establishes September 16 as Science, Technology, and Innovation Day in the Global South. It is also planned that the bloc’s Science, Technology, and Innovation ministers will meet every three years to underscore the countries’ cooperation on their common agenda.
Cuba took over the presidency of the G77+China in January this year. The country has chosen as central in its administration the unity of influence of developing countries in multilateral negotiations, including matters relating to climate change; international solidarity and cooperation for post-pandemic recovery; and the reform of international financial governance.
The change of presidency will be made official in January 2024. Uganda will take over the post.
Also during the press briefing, Cozendey spoke about the treatment given to Cuba in multilateral global governance forums. He ratified Brazil’s position in condemning unilateral sanctions imposed on Cuba several decades ago. “The countries that have adopted unilateral sanctions against Cuba have not achieved their objectives, but they have created enormous difficulties for the Cuban population. So, like other countries in the region, we have traditionally been very critical of the regime.”
After the meeting in Havana, President Lula should fly to New York for the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations.