Institute launches website documenting January 8 protests in Brasília

The Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram) has launched a website as part of its initiative to create the Museum of Democracy. This platform aims to compile a comprehensive record of the January 8, 2023 protests, during which rioters and coup plotters stormed and vandalized the headquarters of Brazil's three branches of government in Brasília: the Planalto presidential palace, the National Congress, and the Supreme Court.
The website hosts a collection of videos, audio recordings, texts, and images documenting the events of that day. Its purpose is to serve as a repository for multimedia materials related to the resistance against anti-democratic actions. The Museum of Democracy Repository also seeks collaboration from other museums and memorial sites to ensure a diverse and comprehensive representation of these events and the preservation of democratic values.
Visitors to the website can explore a range of content, including news articles detailing the orchestrated attack, documentaries, and records contributed by various producers.
The platform provides a valuable resource for those seeking to understand and reflect on the events of January 8, 2023, and their significance in the context of Brazil's democratic history.
The website is an integral part of the broader project to establish the Museum of Democracy as a physical institution in Brasília. This museum, planned by the federal government, aims to memorialize anti-democratic attacks, and encourage reflection to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The construction of the Museum of Democracy is scheduled to commence in 2025, with an estimated budget of around BRL 40 million allocated for this purpose.