January 9, 2023: The response to the coup attempt

The day after the significant assault on Brazilian democracy, January 9, 2023, recounted the reactions of the country's institutions to the invasion of the Three Branches of Government headquarters and the vandalism of public property. Key events of January 9, 2023:
Removal of the Governor of the Federal District
In the early hours of the morning, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the 90-day removal of Ibaneis Rocha as governor of the Federal District. In a video released on the evening of January 8, Ibaneis Rocha publicly apologized to the heads of the three branches of government, expressing his lack of anticipation regarding the extent of the anti-democratic acts.
Justice Alexandre de Morais also ordered the eviction, within 24 hours, of the camp set up in front of the Army Headquarters in Brasília, where most of the attackers had gathered. Over 1,900 people were arrested that Monday, with approximately 700 elderly individuals and mothers of children being released the same day.
The House of Representatives approved the federal intervention in public security in the Federal District on Monday night, a decree issued by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Sunday, which required confirmation by Congress.
Symbolic walk
President Lula convened a meeting with the governors and deputy governors of the 26 states and the Federal District. Following the meeting at the Planalto presidential palace, they marched through the Three Powers Square to the Supreme Court, joined by the then head of the Supreme Court, Justice Rosa Weber, Justices Luís Roberto Barroso, Dias Toffoli, and Ricardo Lewandowski, federal government ministers, governors, federal representatives, and senators.