Covid-19: Brazil has 22.2 million cases and 617.3 thousand deaths

The number of people who contracted covid-19 during the pandemic rose to 22,204,941. Within 24 hours, Health Departments confirmed 3,720 positive diagnoses of the disease. There are still 122,443 cases in follow-up, from people who had confirmed covid-19.
The total number of cases of the Ômicron variant is 19, with eight being investigated. Of the total number of confirmed cases, 13 were in São Paulo, two in the Federal District, two in Rio Grande do Sul and two in Goiás.
The total number of lives lost to the pandemic is 617,395. Between yesterday and today, health authorities recorded 124 deaths. There are 2,839 deaths under investigation. This situation occurs because there are cases in which the patient died, but the investigation of whether the cause was covid-19 still requires further examinations and procedures.
As of this Thursday, 21,465,103 people have recovered from the disease.
The data are in the daily balance of the Ministry of Health, released late this Thursday (16). The update consolidates information on cases and deaths sent by the state health departments. Six states (SP, BA, GO, PB, MS and TO) did not update the data. In São Paulo and Paraíba, the information refers to the 9th of December, in the others, the 15th of December.
According to the Ministry of Health's balance, at the top of the ranking of states with the most deaths by covid-19 registered so far are São Paulo (154,848), Rio de Janeiro (69,308), Minas Gerais (56,516), Paraná (40,852) and Rio Grande do Sul (36,337).
The states with fewer deaths resulting from the pandemic are Acre (1850), Amapá (2008), Roraima (2068), Tocantins (3,927), which has data referring to yesterday, and Sergipe (6,054).
Text translated using artificial intelligence.