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Covid-19: country has 22.2 million cases and 617.2 thousand deaths

In 24 hours, new cases of covid-19 and 301 deaths were registered
Agência Brasil
Published on 15/12/2021 - 22:59
Usuários do transporte público usam máscara na plataforma e trem da Linha 9 Esmeralda da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos - CPTM, em Pinheiros.
© 01/09/2021/Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Balance released this Wednesday (15) by the Ministry of Health indicates 5,446 new cases of covid-19 in 24 hours in Brazil. The data raises to 22,201,222 the total number of virus infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic. Yesterday (14), the statistics panel indicated 22,195,775 accumulated cases.

According to the folder, deaths from the disease totaled 617,271 throughout the pandemic, with 301 registered in 24 hours. Yesterday, the panel counted 616,970 deaths accumulated by covid-19.

There are still 152,214 patients in follow-up and 21,399,316 already recovered.


The states with the most deaths from covid-19 are: São Paulo (154,848), Rio de Janeiro (69,303), Minas Gerais (56,492), Paraná (40,848) and Rio Grande do Sul (36,320).

The units of the Federation with the lowest number of deaths from the disease are Acre (1,850), Amapá (2,008), Roraima (2,064), Tocantins (3,927) and Sergipe (6,054).

Boletim epidemiológico covid-19
Covid Epidemiological Bulletin-19 - 12/15/2021/Disclosure Ministry of Health

Text translated using artificial intelligence.