Campus murder mobilizes University of Brasília

Students at University of Brasília stage anti-violence demonstration in memory of Louise Ribeiro, murdered on campus by her ex-boyfriend
Louise Maria da Silva Ribeiro, age 20, was killed Thursday (Mar. 10) on the campus of the University of Brasilia (UnB) where she was a Biology undergraduate. Her ex-boyfriend, Vinicius Neres, age 19, said he used chloroform to dope the victim at the chemistry lab to which he lured her with a phone call. When she was unconscious, he made her swallow chloroform to death. He then wrapped an inflatable mattress around her body and used her car to dump her body at a nearby bush. The following morning, he was arrested after confessing to the killing.
The killing prompted a demonstration of students, faculty and staff in memory of Louise on Monday (14). UnB President Ivan Camargo promised to improve security and night lighting on campus, but said there's more that needs to be done. “We're stepping up night patrolling rounds of the campus. But more than that, we need to hold a gender violence debate with society. Jealousy is the underlying motive of one third of all women battery,” he said.
According to UN Women Program Manager Joana Chagas, Louise's killing highlights the need to confront femicide. “Violent murders like these are a long-existing problem. They are the culmination of a cycle of violence that can be broken. We can stop it as long as we recognize that patriarchy and male chauvinism are deep-rooted in our society. Femicide is a problem of our society as a whole,” he said.
Brazil comes fifth among 83 countries in a UN ranking of women's murders, behind only El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, and Russia.
According to Action Aid, domestic violence accounts for the deaths of five women worldwide every hour. The statistic is part of a UN global crime study that estimates 119 women are murdered by a partner or relative every day.
Back in the University of Brasília, students, faculty and staff do not want Louise to become just another figure in these sad statistics. They have planted a pink trumpet tree in the central garden of the Biology Institute, where she was attending the fourth semester.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Campus murder mobilizes University of Brasília