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Brazil human rights commission to hear Yanomami indigenous in Roraima

The group will analyze the health crisis and propose aid
Agência Brasil
Published on 30/01/2023 - 12:31
Agência Brasil - Brasília
Força nacional do SUS em atendimento aos Yanomamis
© Igor Evangelista/ MS

A delegation of Brazil’s ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship arrives today (Jan. 30) at the Yanomami Special Indigenous Health District to hear the demands of their leaders. The group is in charge of investigating the situation of the humanitarian crisis affecting this indigenous people in Roraima, the state that together with the Amazon holds the Yanomami reserve in Brazilian territory.

Ministry’s executive secretary Rita Oliveira said a diagnosis of human rights violations that are affecting this indigenous population shall be carried out. "Civil society and indigenous leaders will be heard and based on this information...emergency actions planned by the ministry will be implemented," the secretary added.

Among the delegation's activities, she pointed out the mapping of public equipment to implement human rights policies for this population and of information regarding people who need to be immediately included in the ministry's protection system. "Everything is articulated with the Operational Center for Health Emergencies which is already acting in the region," she said.

The delegation’s work in Roraima will be carried out until February 2.