Rousseff worried about unemployment and high inflation

President Rousseff said that these changes in the economy bring suffering to families and hurt the pocket of Brazilians, but, she is sure, circumstances “will improve.”
President Dilma Rousseff stated today (Aug. 20) that she feels worried about the increased levels of unemployment and inflation “everyday”. She said that these changes in the economy bring suffering to families and hurt the pocket of Brazilians, but, she is sure, circumstances “will improve.”
She made the statements during an interview at the Itamaraty Palace, the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, after having lunch with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, currently on a state visit in Brazil. On Thursday (20), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) reported that the country's unemployment rate surged to 7.5% in July.
“There are two things that keep me worried every single day—one of them the increase in unemployment, because I know it brings suffering to the families of this country. Everything I do is an attempt to prevent that from happening, from aggravating, and to prevent us from having to go through its consequences. The second issue that has me concerned everyday is the inflation, because it corrodes people's pocket,” Rousseff stated.
The president did not want to talk about the possibility of raising taxes: “Things will be clear in time—what will and what will not be done.”
Dilma Rousseff said that she and German Chancellor Angela Merkel described Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's departure as a “solution,” not as “crisis.” “Tspiras's resignation is part not of a crisis but of a solution. That's what the chancellor told me. It's part of a solution. He's going to rebuild his government.” Merkel and the Brazilian head of state met yesterday (19) and today in Brasília.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Rousseff worried about unemployment and high inflation