Agência Brasil explains: how the gas voucher will work

Starting in December, the federal government will pay a gas voucher to low-income families to make up for the high price of cooking gas. The Brazilian Gas Program was sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro last week and will remain in effect for five years.
Who is entitled?
The benefit is intended for families registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), with monthly per capita family income less than or equal to half the national minimum wage, or families whose members receive the Continuous Cash Benefit ( BPC).
When does it start?
Payment starts in December and, in the first month, the Ministry of Citizenship informed that it will use the folder's own resources, in the amount of R$ 300 million. For the 2022 payments, the government has yet to find room to release budget resources.
By law, the program will be financed with resources from royalties belonging to the Union in the production of oil and natural gas under the production sharing regime, part of the sale of the Union's oil surplus and signature bonus in bidding for areas for exploration of oil and natural gas. In addition, other resources that may be provided for in the General Budget of the Union and Petrobras dividends paid to the National Treasury will be used.
One of the sources of funding for the program is the amount paid by the Union of Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain (Cide) levied on fuels.
What the value?
Each eligible family will receive, every two months, the amount corresponding to a portion of at least 50% of the average national reference price for a 13-kilogram cylinder of cooking gas, established by the Price Survey System (SLP) , from the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) in the previous six months, according to rules that are yet to be defined in a decree.
According to the survey, the average value of the cylinder in 2021 is R$ 102.48. In other words, each family must receive R$51.24. The estimate for next year is that the average value of the cylinder will rise to R$ 112.48.
How to register?
Registration is not necessary, the database of CadÚnico and BPC will be used. The government will use the structure of the Programa Auxílio Brasil to make payments for the gas voucher, through Caixa Econômica Federal.
It will preferably be granted to families with women victims of domestic violence who are under monitoring of urgent protective measures. Payment preference will also be for the woman responsible for the household.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.