Petrobras to invest $ 5.5 billion dollars in exploratory activities

Petrobras shall invest $ 5.5 billion dollars in exploratory activities over the next five years, executive strategy manager Eduardo Bordieri informed at the Annual Breakfast Offshore of the Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce (Bratecc), in Houston, Texas, in the United States.
During the Petrobras perspectives on the O&G double resilience panel, on Wednesday (April 4), the representative of the Brazilian state-owned company also said the intensification of the company's exploratory effort derives from recent oil discoveries in the pre-salt region, in the areas of Alto de Cabo Frio Central and Aram.
58 percent of the total investment programmed by Petrobras' strategic plan in new exploratory frontiers shall be allocated to the Southeast Basins (including pre-salt prospects); 38 percent to the Equatorial Margin; and 2 percent to other areas.
“All Petrobras investments seek double resilience: both economically (considering viable projects from a financial point of view with the Brent price at $ 35 dollars in the long term), and environmental (low-carbon projects),” explained Bordieri.
New platforms
In the next five years, Petrobras will invest in 15 platform ships with an oil Floating Production Storage and Offloading system (FPSO). Ten of them will be installed in pre-salt and five in post-salt regions. The company has already put 32 FPSOs into operation throughout its most recent history, which is a record in the oil industry.
“Petrobras is the leader in FPSO operations in the world, and it shall install the largest number of platforms of this type in the next five years, generating value for our stakeholders,” he added.