Revalida will follow the covid-19 prevention protocol, says Inep

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) will carry out, this Saturday (18) and Sunday (19), the second stage of the National Examination for the Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalida) 2021. The exam will take place in 22 cities in the country and will follow the covid-19 prevention protocol in the two days of application.
According to Inep, the use of a covid-19 prevention mask, covering the nose and mouth, will be mandatory, during the entire period in which the participant remains at the place where the clinical skills test is to be applied.
The institute recommends that the protection be for professional use, in the N95 or PFF2 modality, and the participant will be allowed to take a reserve mask for exchange during application, a water bottle and a bottle with 70% alcohol.
“The removal of the mask will only be allowed during the identification of the participant, as well as to eat and drink water. People with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, sensory impairments or any other impairment that prevents them from properly using a mask will be exempt from the mandatory face protection, as provided for in Law No. 14.019/2020 ”.
Participant's Obligations
In addition to following the biosafety protocol, the participant in the second stage of Revalida 2021 must also attend the venue of the tests with valid official identification documentation with photo, as provided for in the notice. It will also be mandatory to wear a lab coat, preferably in white.
Before entering the waiting room, the participant must put the cell phone and any other electronic equipment, turned off, in addition to other non-allowed belongings, listed in the exam notice, in the storage envelope.
The printed Declaration of Appearance must also be kept in the storage envelope, which must be sealed and identified, from entry into the waiting room until definitive exit from the venue.
Revalida has been carried out by Inep since 2011 and seeks to subsidize the revalidation, in Brazil, of the graduation diploma in medicine issued abroad. Revalida's references are care in the context of primary, outpatient, hospital, urgent, emergency and community care, based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Medicine Course, associated regulations and professional legislation.
The purpose of the exam is to assess the skills, competences and knowledge necessary for professional practice that is adequate to the principles and needs of the Unified Health System (SUS). The act of revalidating the diploma is the responsibility of public universities that adhere to the unified assessment instrument represented by Revalida.
*With information from Inep
Text translated using artificial intelligence.