The first stage of the National High School Exam (Enem) 2022 began to be applied this Sunday (13) across the country. The exams and the essay topic will be the same in both modalities: printed and digital. It is estimated that about 3.4 million candidates will take the exam. Enem is carried out at 11,175 test sites in 1,747 municipalities.
The gates opened at 12pm and closed at 1pm, and entry was not allowed after closing. The tests start at 1:30 pm and end at 7:00 pm, Brasília time. On this first day of the exam, candidates take, in addition to the objective tests in languages and human sciences, the only subjective test of the assessment, the writing. Next Sunday (21), the participants take the math and natural science tests.
According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), responsible for carrying out the tests, 3,331,566 candidates will take the printed Enem and 65,066 the digital one. Women represent 61% of candidates and black people, the sum of blacks and browns, 54.8% of those enrolled.
Most candidates are in the states of São Paulo (527,097), Minas Gerais (301,350) and Bahia (260,331). The report by Agência Brasil followed the opening of the gates at one of the venues, a university in the Paraíso neighborhood, south of the city of São Paulo.
Student Carolina Cristina de Oliveira Fogo, 18, will take the Enem for the first time. “The expectation is for a difficult test, because it is a long test, lasting 5 hours, which requires a lot of concentration from us, because there are many readings, it can cause mental fatigue”. A resident of Santo André, she says that she intends to follow a vacancy in the pedagogy course, but this year she is working as a trainer. “My high school was all during the pandemic, my preparation will be next year, this is just the beginning of preparation”, he said.
In line, she met student Luana Alves Venâncio, a native and resident of Mucuri, Bahia. She came to take the Enem in São Paulo, as she had another exchange exam scheduled in the city. The student says she is prepared and wants to study medicine or criminalistics. “My expectations are high, I studied a lot, it's the second time I'm doing it, last year I took the test, I did well, but I hope that this year I hope to do better because I took the course and really dedicated myself a lot”, said the student of 18 years.
Enem is the main way to enter public higher education through the Unified Selection System (Sisu), to obtain scholarships through the University for All Program (Prouni) and to participate in the Student Financing Fund (Fies). The results can also be used to enter Portuguese educational institutions that have an agreement with Inep. In addition, some private educational institutions use the grade for direct admission or granting scholarships.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.