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Cuban doctor hired by Brazilian Medical Association

She had left the “More Doctors” program last week
Paula Laboissière reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 11/02/2014 - 19:25

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Cuban doctor Ramona Rodríguez was hired on Tuesday (Feb. 11) by the Brazilian Medical Association (“AMB”), but now works as an administrative assistant. Her salary is $1.246.05 but, combined with her health insurance and other benefits provided for by Brazilian labor law, it goes up to around $1.661,41.

Rodríguez had previously taken part in the More Doctors initiative, in Pacajá, in the Brazilian state of Pará, but decided to leave the program as she did not agree that Cuban professionals should receive a $400 salary, whereas other hired doctors are paid $4.153.51.

According to AMB President Florentino Cardoso, Rodríguez is not allowed to practice medicine at the moment, and must accept an administrative position until she passes the national exam for doctors with a foreign diploma.

Ramona Rodríguez will start working at AMB on Wednesday (Feb. 12), from 8am to 12pm, and from 2 to 6pm.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Cuban doctor hired by Brazilian Medical Association