Over 25,000 security personnel for World Cup final

This will be the largest security operation ever launched in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil
More than 25,000 personnel will provide security for the 2014 World Cup final in Rio on Sunday (July 13), when Germany and Argentina face off at the Maracanã stadium. The security operation begins at 11pm on Saturday (12).
According to the State Secretary of Public Security, José Mariano Beltrame, this will be the largest security operation ever launched in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, even than those arranged for the UN's Rio +20 Conference in 2012, and the last day of the World Youth Day with Pope Frances in 2013.
About 10,000 men from the Military Police and another 9,300 military, plus the Fire Brigade, Federal Police, Federal Highway Police, Municipal Guard, traffic wardens, and the National Security Force will be involved. Inside the stadium, Military Police and private FIFA Security stewards will be on duty.
Security boosts were also called for Guanabara Palace, the seat of state government, where a ceremony will welcome the heads of state attending the game, including the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Larger police deployments will also be seen in Ilha do Fundão, at the FIFA Fan Fest, at the Sambadrome, and even in the neighboring resort town of Búzios, a top tourist destination for Argentinians. On the coast, 25 ships of the Brazilian Navy will add to the operation.
According to Beltrame, the stadium will be cordoned off two hours before the final celebration, which starts at 2pm. “Our main concern is, people who come with counterfeit tickets or no tickets at all and try to get here early to look for potential exploits,” he said.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Over 25,000 security personnel for World Cup final