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Brazil loses 157,905 formal jobs in July

Compared with June, the number represents a 0.39 percent reduction in
Agência Brasil
Published on 21/08/2015 - 19:15
brasilia sem onibus caus no trasito
© José Cruz/Agência Brasil

In July, 157,905 payroll jobs were lost in the country. According to data from the General Register of the Employed and Unemployed (CAGED), released on Friday (21) by the Ministry of Labor, the number represents a 0.39 percent reduction in the amount of formal workers compared with June, and the lowest job generation rate for the month since 1992, the beginning of this historic series.

Mais de um milhão de pessoas ficaram sem ônibus no Distrito Federal no segundo dia de greve. A população recorre ao transporte alternativo (José Cruz/Agência Brasil)

In July, 1,397,393 people were recruited, against 1,555,298 workers sacked. José Cruz/Agência Brasil

In July, 1,397,393 people were recruited, against 1,555,298 workers sacked. Job openings shed since the beginning of the year amount to 494,386.

Of the sectors in economic activity, agriculture alone showed a positive performance—24,465 positions. The outcome was driven by seasonal reasons, officials say, and does not differ significantly from the average for July from 2003 to 2014 (24,848 formal jobs).

The sector with the highest number of jobs lost was the manufacturing industry—64,312. A fall was also detected in the amount of employees in services (58,010), commerce (34,545), and construction (21,996). Most dismissals were seen in the states of São Paulo (38,109), Rio de Janeiro (19,457), and Rio Grande do Sul (17.818).

In São Paulo, Labor Minister Manoel Dias said that the growth in employment is expected to be restored by the end of the year. The resumption, he says, should be effected through the government's latest allotments of funds in the economic activity. Dias mentioned the $888 million earmarked by Banco do Brasil for the auto sector and investment in construction.

The finance minister declined to comment on the CAGED data.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Brazil loses 157,905 formal jobs in July
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