Gov’t unveils drainage basin restoration program

Brazil’s federal government today (Mar. 22) launched the Águas Brasileiras program (“Brazilian waters”), aimed at the restoration of drainage basins. A total of 26 projects covering more than 250 municipalities across ten states have been selected. Among the efforts is the planting of 100 million saplings along the basis of rivers São Francisco, Parnaíba, Tocantins, and Taquari. The measures are spearheaded by the Ministry of Regional Development.
At the launch ceremony, held on March 22, the World Water Day, President Jair Bolsonaro performed the symbolic planting of pink trumpet tree seeds on the site, alongside Regional Development Minister Rogério Marinho.
“[This is] yet another successful initiative. We’re making progress, despite the serious problem we’ve been facing since last year; but Brazil has been setting the example. We’re among the few countries in the avant-garde, in search of solutions,” Bolsonaro said.
Also delivered was an “Alliance for Brazilian Waters” seal, directed at companies working to protect and preserve water resources.
In addition to tree planting, a series of measures are to be conducted by government ministries. One of them was announced by Marcos Pontes, minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation. He reported that a credit line has been opened by the Funding Authority for Studies and Projects, FINEP.
“We have opened a credit line through FINEP, with special conditions for technology development for pollution, solid waste treatment, and water. Goals include reducing water consumption in enterprises and reusing and distributing water with no losses,” he declared.
Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina announced she will launch in April a program dubbed Águas do Agro (“waters of agribusiness”), with a focus on drainage microbasins and the strengthening of sustainable water and soil technology.
“The ministry’s goal is to speed up growth in areas with irrigated agriculture with the rational and sustainable use of water,” she pointed out.