Caixa will release FGTS to rain-stricken cities in BA and MG

President Jair Bolsonaro spoke this Saturday (11), after the graduation of students from the naval school, that the federal government is ready to help municipalities in Bahia and Minas Gerais affected by heavy rains in the region. “We are ready to collaborate. We need to be provoked by the governors and mayors”, he said. The president recalled that the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR) has already published the ordinances decreeing a state of emergency in several states and that Caixa is waiting for a communication from the city halls indicating the affected neighborhoods to release the withdrawal of the Guarantee Fund for Time of Service (FGTS) in these locations.
According to the president of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, after the communication is made, the deadline is five days for payment. “Using agencies, lotteries, correspondents and even the Caixa Tem application”. He recalled that the amount to be paid is the FGTS balance up to the limit of R$ 6220.
Defense Minister General Braga Netto said that the Armed Forces have already received the MDR's ordinances and that recognition is already being made. “We already have pre-selected helicopters in case there is a need and the troops in the vicinity are already prepared”, he said.
According to the president of the Republic, the minister of Regional Development Rogério Marinho should go to the affected areas tomorrow accompanied by the minister of Citizenship, João Roma.
More than 50 cities are in emergency situation
In Bahia, a task force has been working for four days to provide relief to victims. There are already 25 municipalities in emergency situation, according to the decrees ratified and published in the Official Gazette. The government of Minas Gerais , on the other hand, decreed an emergency situation in 31 cities affected by the rains in recent days in the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri valleys.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.