Furnas assistance program registers fishermen in Minas Gerais

Furnas, a subsidiary of Eletrobras, completed the registration for the assistance program for small fish farmers in family farming and artisanal fishermen in the reservoir of its hydroelectric plant located in Minas Gerais. The program will allocate around R$ 830,000 to more than 1,106 professionals from 29 municipalities in Minas Gerais, who will receive food assistance from the company for three months.
The initiative was supported by the Association of Municipalities of Lago de Furnas (Alago) and the Association of Municipalities of the Micreoregion of Médio Rio Grande (Ameg), which enabled fishermen and fish farmers. The program was made operational by the reference centers for social assistance in the municipalities surrounding the reservoir, which called for professionals. The criteria for qualification were the city of residence, the exercise of the activity and the social vulnerability situation.
According to the president of Furnas, Clovis Torres, the company is aware of the difficulties of these professionals, which were aggravated by the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic and the water crisis. Torres said that this program is part of the commitments assumed by the company with the population neighboring the Furnas Power Plant reservoir.
Responsible for the logistics of acquiring the cards, Alago itself delivered them to the local coordinators on the 6th and 7th of this month. Later this month, the cards will receive two loads of resources. In January, there will be a new charge.
The president of Alago, Djalma Francisco Carvalho, said that the financial support is welcome at a time of difficulty for both artisanal fishermen and small fish farmers, due to the low level in the lake. "We remain optimistic in terms of improving conditions for these and other activities to continue moving the local economy," stated Carvalho.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.