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Rio: 80% of investigations of underage deaths are not concluded

Survey was carried out by the State Public Defender's Office
Agência Brasil
Published on 06/12/2021 - 10:02
Rio de Janeiro
Foto Elza Fiuza/Agência Brasil/Arquivo
© Elza Fiuza/Agência Brasil/Arquivo

A survey by the Public Defender of Rio de Janeiro showed that 81% of inquiries into violent deaths (consummated or attempted) of children and adolescents opened since 2000 have not yet been completed. The data, which involve murders and other deaths from external causes, were collected from data from the Civil Police and the Public Security Institute.

According to the Public Defender's Office, the average time for procedures is 3,060 days, that is, around eight years and three months. There are cases pending for 36 days, but some have been unresolved for 21 years.

In all, 9,542 crimes were found to be unsolved, of which 79.5% are intentional crimes (that is, with intention to cause death) and 20.5% are wrongful cases (with no intention to cause death, in its most traffic accidents).

Of the 9,542 surveys analyzed, 3,218 were homicides caused by firearms, of which 162 were against children up to 11 years old. Attempted homicide (that is, when the crime does not result in the victim's death) by firearms totaled 1,525 inquiries, of which 217 were in the age group of 11 years or less.

Of the 355 cases of deaths caused by the police in which agents claimed to have killed in confrontation (the so-called resistance act), there are five situations in which the victims were nine years old or younger. There are three inquiries registered as resistance autos or as opposition to police intervention, in which the victims were 4 years old or younger.

“We need to advance a lot in combating the anticipated loss of life. These figures are lives. Prevention is possible, given that effective accountability is one of those ways. These numbers are unacceptable in a country that intends to ensure, with absolute priority, the rights of children and adolescents”, said public defender Rodrigo Azambuja, in a statement released by the Defender's Office.

Agência Brasil contacted the Civil Police press office and is awaiting an answer.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.