Brazil Justice Minister presents Democracy Package

Brazil’s Minister of Justice and Public Safety Flávio Dino presented Thursday (Jan. 26) to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva the proposals to toughen the legislation on crimes against the democratic state of law. The initiative called Democracy Package is a reaction to the terrorist acts that took place on January 8, in Brasilia.
The package includes several projects that are being discussed so that "at the beginning of the legislative period, President Lula can talk to the other powers and see the destiny of the projects that were elaborated here," Dino said in an interview to the press.
Next week there will be the opening of the Judicial year at the Supreme Court and the Legislative year, in the National Congress, with the inauguration of the elected and reelected members of the House of Representatives and Senate.
After the meeting with Lula at the Planalto presidential palace, Flávio Dino attended a meeting with state secretaries of Public Safety, at the ministry's headquarters in Brasilia.